Vegan Recipes

  • Vegan Chocolate Banana Cake

    Vegan Chocolate Banana Cake

    Gluten free option | Dairy free option | This vegan chocolate banana cake is light and fluffy, chocolatey and moist.

  • Classic Shortbread

    Classic Shortbread

    Gluten Free Option | Dairy Free Option | Vegan | Perfectly simple but perfectly classic biscuit!

  • Chewy Ginger Biscuits

    Chewy Ginger Biscuits

    Gluten Free Option | Dairy Free Option | Vegan | These vegan ginger biscuits are deliciously chewy and have a real fiery…

  • Vegan Viennese Fingers

    Vegan Viennese Fingers

    Gluten Free Option | Dairy Free Option | Vegan | I can eat far too many of these! They are melt in…

  • Low Calorie Vegan Chocolate Mug Cake

    Low Calorie Vegan Chocolate Mug Cake

    Gluten Free Option | Dairy Free Option | Vegan | This low calorie vegan chocolate mug cake with gluten and dairy free…

  • Vegan ‘Buttercream’ Icing

    Vegan ‘Buttercream’ Icing

    Gluten free option | Dairy free option | Vegan Option | Coffee cake is such a British classic! Surely there can’t be…